Here at SPM Development Services, we understand that there are many factors involved as to why a young person may find themselves not in employment, education or training (NEET).
Some young people just aren’t ready to join a group-based learning programme for many reasons. In recognition of this barrier to learning, we can deliver a highly personalised programme of 1:1 sessions that provide accredited qualifications alongside mentoring. We value working collaboratively and holistically with young people to identify their barriers. Together, we build the confidence, trust and skills needed to integrate them into further training or employment (such as an apprenticeship). These sessions can take place in a variety of settings; the home, the library, the local gym or any other suitable public place. Online sessions are also an option.
In addition to offering the core subjects of maths, English, digital and employability skills, we are also proud to be able to offer the AAL Achiever Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. This suite of OCN London accredited study provides our learners with a bespoke literacy, numeracy and vocational skills programme (From Entry Level 1 through to Level 1) ensuring that everyone can achieve.