SPM Development Services Limited
Fair Assessment Appeals Procedure
May 2024
Related Policies:
Assessment Policy
Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
Complaints Procedure
This policy enables learners to inquire, question, or appeal against an assessment decision. It aims to ensure openness, fairness, and the integrity of qualifications through standardised and recorded appeal processes.
It is the intention of ‘Centre Name’ that the assessment process will be transparent, fair and just for all learners. All learners have the right to appeal against any assessment decision. Any learner may appeal against an assessment decision if you feel:
• That you have been treated unfairly.
• The assessment decision to be wrong or invalid.
• The assessment process to be unfair or wrongly carried out.
• The assessment or teaching methods to be inappropriate.
• The assessment process to be unreliable or inconsistent.
• The course work and content not meeting the course outline.
A copy of this policy will be available on our website and discussed during induction. Written records will be kept of all appeals. At any stage a learner can seek the support of an advocate or friend to assist with an appeal.
The stages of the process follow:
Stage 1
In the first instance you should discuss your concerns with your tutor. Your tutor will reply to your concerns within five working days. The decision will be given both verbally and in writing.
Stage 2
If unable to resolve your appeal or complaint informally you can appeal in writing to Simon Piper-Masha at SPM Development Services Ltd. Your appeal will be investigated, assessed and a decision will be given to you in writing within 14 days.
Stage 3
If learners have followed Stage 1, 2 and 3 of the appeals procedure and remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you have the right to escalate your appeal to the awarding body and request that they investigate the matter further. This must be done within 14 days of the decision from Stage 3 of the procedure being communicated to them by SPM Development Services ltd
Annual Review: This policy is reviewed annually by Simon Piper-Masha to ensure it remains effective and fair.