Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy Including Disability Statement

SPM Development Services Ltd
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy Including Disability Statement
May 2024

1. Policy Statement
SPM Development Services Limited is dedicated to fostering a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion within all aspects of our operations. Compliant with the Equality Act 2010 and relevant UK legislation, we are committed to promoting equality of opportunity and eliminating unlawful discrimination. Our aim is to ensure all staff, learners, and stakeholders, including contractors, are treated equally and with respect, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

2. Purpose and Scope
This policy applies to all individuals working at or with SPM Development Services Limited, including employees, contractors, volunteers, and clients. It covers all areas of employment, such as hiring, training, promotions, and disciplinary actions, as well as our interactions with the public and delivery of educational services.

3. Disability StatementWe are committed to supporting individuals with disabilities, ensuring that all our services and digital platforms are accessible, and that our practices accommodate all learners and staff without discrimination. We engage with disability groups to continually improve accessibility and inclusiveness in our educational offerings.

4. Roles and Responsibilities
– Simon Piper-Masha, Director and Equality and Diversity Officer, is responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this policy, ensuring its integration into all operations of SPM Development Services Limited, including interactions with and management of contractors. He also handles updates, training, and addressing any grievances related to discrimination.
– All employees and contractors are expected to adhere to this policy and actively promote equality and diversity in their work with SPM Development Services Limited.

5. Training and Development
Regular training on this policy and related legal and ethical issues will be provided to all staff. New employees and contractors will receive training as part of their orientation process. Ongoing training will ensure all staff are aware of their rights and responsibilities under this policy.

6. Grievance and Complaints Procedure
A clear process is in place for addressing issues and complaints related to breaches of this policy. Grievances can be raised with Simon Piper-Masha. Serious complaints may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

7. Monitoring and Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness, with adjustments made in accordance with new legislation or changes in organisational structure. Data on diversity and inclusion will be regularly analysed to assess the impact of our policy.

8. Compliance and Monitoring
We commit to regularly monitoring our practices against this policy, ensuring that actions, behaviours, and decisions comply with our set objectives. Effectiveness will be evaluated through staff and client feedback, and compliance checks will be conducted to ensure the policy’s full implementation.

9. Review
This policy is to be reviewed every two years, sooner if significant changes to legislation or organisational structure occur. Feedback from stakeholders will be solicited with each review to ensure the policy meets the needs of all parties involved.