SPM Development Services Limited
Assessment Policy
May 2024
Related Policies:
Internal Verification & Sampling Policy
Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
Appeals Policy
The Aim of this policy is:
• To ensure that assessment methodology is valid, reliable and does not disadvantage or advantage any group of learners or individuals.
• To ensure that assessment procedure is open, fair and to the required standards.
• To ensure that there is accurate and detailed recording of assessment decisions.
1.1 Assessment methods may take a variety of forms and SPM Development Services Ltd will ensure that methods relevant to the learning process and most suited to the learning outcomes and level of academic rigour required will be used.
1.2 Assessment practices shall be inclusive and support equality of opportunity. They shall cater for both individual and group diversity.
1.3 Fair assessment methods. Recognising that learners will have different learning styles, a variety of assessment methods will be used. Learners will be given information on assessment methods prior to the course beginning and feedback on the process and results of assessment.
1.4 Internal Quality Assurance will take place in accordance to SPM Development Services Ltd Internal Moderation Policy (see separate Internal Moderation Policy)
1.5 Assessment Decision Appeals. All learners have the right to appeal against assessment decisions, as set out in the SPM Development Services Ltd Appeals Policy and this policy will be shared with learners at the start of their course. (See separate Appeals Policy)
• SPM Development Services Ltd will ensure that the process of assessment will be managed in accordance with the requirements of the accrediting body, OCN London.
• SPM Development Services Ltd will maintain accurate and detailed records of learner achievement and assessment decisions. These will be maintained for (length of time) and then securely disposed.
• SPM Development Services Ltd will be responsible for planning and managing the assessment strategy and ensuring that it is in-line with SPM Development Services Ltd published course materials.
2.1 Teacher/Trainer/Tutor/Assessor responsibilities
Each teacher/trainer/tutor/Assessor will ensure that:
•the learning outcomes and assessment criteria is shared with learners, assessments are recorded
•give on-going feedback
•that learners are provided with assignments that are fit for purpose and enable them to produce appropriate evidence for assessment
•that assessment decisions are impartial, valid and reliable.
3.1 Assessment Evidence
Evidence of having achieved all the learning outcomes will be generated by the course participant and assessed by the tutor.
3.2 Assessment Methods
There will be clearly identified assessment methods that will be valid and reliable in line with the learning outcomes. These methods will remain set for each academic cycle of the course and will only change due to exceptional circumstances. However if, due to specific learner needs, e.g. learners with learning or physical disability or ill health, is identified before or during a course, a different method of assessment might be sought. Agreement on the changed method of assessment must be formalised prior to use by the Course leader and Internal Moderator and, when deemed applicable (e.g. if the centre is making a formal adaptation to a course or programme), must refer this to the centre’s OCN London external moderator, to check is acceptable.
Assessment evidence will be presented in conjunction with approved assignment briefs. Assessment evidence can include the following:
• Learners’ files, journals, diaries.
• Artefacts, photographs, artwork, audio-visual material.
• Audio-visuals of performances, exhibitions and displays.
• Individual or group learner testimony.
• Marked essays, written question and answer sheets, worksheets.
• Tutor observation records and checklists.
3.3 Tracking and Recording of Achievement
Learners’ achievements will be tracked over time. Assessed evidence will be documented on approved assessment forms and internal moderation forms: These may include: Tutor observation forms, Witness Statements, Assignment brief feedback section, Internal Moderation of assignment brief forms, Internal Moderation of Cohort – Learners Sampled form, Internal Moderation of Single Learner form.
4.1 Resubmission rationale and conditions
Every assignment task contributes to assessment criteria being met and thereby the achievement of the unit. It is therefore appropriate for the Course leader/Internal Moderator to authorise one opportunity for a learner to resubmit evidence to meet assessment criteria targeted by an assignment.
The Course leader/Internal Moderator can only authorise a resubmission if the following conditions are all met:
• The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension
• The teacher/trainer/tutor judges that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance
• The evidence is accompanied by a signed declaration of authenticity by the learner.
4.2 Procedure for resubmission
If the Course Leader/Internal Moderator does authorise a resubmission, the following should take place (delete as to suit your organisation’s resubmission practice):
The task(s) that is/are considered incomplete should be readdressed by the learner and resubmitted by them by a specified deadline date.
A new/alternative assessment task may be set where assessment criteria remain outstanding should the assessor consider this necessary.
The task(s) should be undertaken by the learner with minimal further guidance.
Note of resubmission is recorded on the assessment feedback form and should specify the agreed deadline date for the resubmission.
Resubmission is given a deadline of (insert timeframe here) within which the learner will receive feedback on the reassessment.
5.1 Learner declarations
Learners will be required to sign, date and submit a learner declaration confirming that the work submitted:
• is fully their own and has not been developed or written by anyone else,
• has not been copied from the work of any other learner(s),
• has not been copied, or cut and pasted, from the internet, textbook(s), or any other source. (for higher level work it will also contain – delete as applicable)
• cites relevant sources and references work of others for the purpose of discussion, comment or argument in relation to their ideas,
• demonstrates that the use of quotation and paraphrasing has been kept to a minimum and used only to support points made by the learner.
The learner will also be signing to confirm the understanding that if they are found to have made a false declaration no credit will be awarded for the work submitted and that other sanctions could apply.
5.2 Plagiarism and Referencing
Learners will be advised that plagiarism can be avoided by acknowledging all sources and ensuring that work is their own.
If a Course leader or internal moderator suspects that a piece of work submitted is not entirely a learner’s own, the centre reserves the right to check this through bona fide plagiarism checking software. Following this, the Course Leader shall meet with the learner to talk through the discrepancies found. They have the right to record the meeting and will minute the outcomes of this in writing; a copy of the minutes will be submitted to the internal moderator and made available for the external moderation visit. If it is found that a learner has plagiarised another’s work, they may be invited to re-do and re-submit that piece of work for assessment or, depending on the circumstances, may be further investigated with regard to possible malpractice and removed from their programme of learning. (See separate Malpractice Policy.)